Thursday, January 5, 2012

Steampunk Fair

Here is an event that will surely be of interest to doll makers - The Steampunk World's Fair. This will be held in Piscataway, NJ, May 18-20, 2012. At $50 for the weekend, this has to be one of the least expensive admission fees around.

There will cakes and costumes, and music and merchants. Too late to apply as a vendor for this year - but maybe for next....? No list of vendors yet - but there will surely be dolls. I mean, surely. {I wish they put links to more pictures from the past events on the site, and a list of last years vendors and merchants. That would be useful.}

1 comment:

Robyn Coburn Writer/Artist said...

Alrighty - found lots of photos on the Facebook page of the event. Lots of costumes.