Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Nigrica Little Folk of Faery

Here's a sweet Etsy store, Little Folk of Faery. It looks like someone has been out with their butterfly net capturing those pesky fairies and bottling them. They are ever so tiny, and I assume still just as magical.

This store, relatively new, is part of the Whimsical Art Doll Artisans team, which is dedicated to "the most curious, bizarre, eccentric, fairy tale-esque elements of life". Some familiar faces, others new.


Patagonia Handmade Dolls said...

Very nice !!! COngratulations. I invite you to see www.patagoniahandmadedolls.com

I read your blog. So cute

Robyn Coburn Writer/Artist said...

The Patagonia Handmade Dolls are sweet also - a nice playline, soft doll. Thanks for visiting.